Amy Chua became a household name when her book Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother came out two years ago. According to Chua, the typical Asian mom puts emphasis on academic and musical accomplishment over sleepovers and play dates. In fact, sleepovers and play dates were banned in Chua’s household.
Forbes is reporting on a newly released study by Su Yeong Kim, an associate professor of human development and family sciences at the University of Texas. Kim has followed 300 Chinese American families for ten years.
She found the majority of Asian parents in her survey could be classified as supportive parents, quite a contrast to the picture of tiger Moms that Chua drew.
Kim also concluded that children of those parents who followed the supportive model had better grades and stronger relationships with their parents than children of tiger parents.
Kim divides parenting into four categories. You can read more about that in Forbes.