U.S. Representative Jim McDermott (D-Seattle) is asking the FBI to pull an anti-terrorism ad campaign from Seattle buses, reports the Seattle Weekly.
In his letter to FBI Director Robert Mueller, McDermott writes “The Faces of Global Terrorism” bus ad featuring sixteen photos of wanted terrorists is not only offensive to Muslims and ethnic minorities, but it encourages racial and religious profiling.”
All the faces on the ad appear to be from predominant Muslim regions. McDermott points out the ad excludes people of other races or with associations with other religions and causes.
“Representing terrorists, however, from only one ethnic or religious group, promotes stereotypes and ignores other forms of extremism,” writes McDermott.
You can read more about the ad campaign in the Seattle Weekly.
RE: FBI Ad On terrorism: 30 of 32 top world terrorists are Muslims and the worry is about profiling?
When can we stop acting like the three monkeys about terrorism? All Muslims are terrorists; however, almost all terrorists are Muslims. Is reality really racist?
RE: Doug in Jax comment on FBI Ad on Terrorism: "All Muslims are terrorists?" That is the very definition of racial profiling. That IS racist.