HomeHealthYahoo: Smoking Rate Among Asian American Pacific Islanders Remains High

Yahoo: Smoking Rate Among Asian American Pacific Islanders Remains High

smokingA new report out reveals smoking in the Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (AA & NHPI) communities remains high, reports Yahoo.

The Asian Pacific Partners for Empowerment, Advocacy and Leadership (APPEAL) and Health Promotion Practice (HPP) released just the second ever peer review journal dedicated to tobacco use in the AAPI and Native Hawaiian communities.

“Tobacco use amongst AAs & NHPIs continues to remain high, and community members then suffer health consequences. That is why this issue of Health Promotion Practice is so important, and why we need to work together to advocate for the health of our communities.”

Among men, Pacific Islanders have a smoking rate of 35.7 percent and Vietnamese 30.7 percent–double the rate of smoking among men in the entire state of California.

Rates are also high among Korean, 21.5 percent and Filipino men, 18.7%.

“It took cancer to make me give up smoking.” said Rico Foz. I was diagnosed with esophageal cancer and had surgery to remove the cancer, but because I was uninsured at the time, we had to use our family’s savings to pay for medical bills. I had a difficult recovery–barely able to walk or move–so my wife, a nurse, had to quit her job to care for me. Luckily, I recovered.”

You can rad more about the groups behind this study in Yahoo.



  1. RE: Smoking rate among AAPI remains High: In the United States alone, 440,000 people die as a result of smoking cigarettes. This number continues to grow every year as additional individuals continue to smoke and avoid quitting. For those that think this is a simple death, they are in for a rude awakening. Smokers face painful cancers and heart disease that finally consumes them. We all know that smoking is bad for us so quit smoking and save your life.


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