HomeAsian AmericansWindy City Media: Nearly 3 out of 100 #Asian Americans Are #Gay....

Windy City Media: Nearly 3 out of 100 #Asian Americans Are #Gay. #AAPI, #LGBT


Gay Rainbow FlagA new study from the Williams Institute, a think tank at UCLA Law, says 2.8% of all Asian Americans & Pacific Islanders identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender, according to Windy City Media.

The report found the estimated 325,000 Asian and Pacific Islander LGBT individuals have lower rates of employment and academic achievement than other APIs.

“Detailed data analysis reveals vulnerable LGBT subgroups including Pacific Islanders and Native Hawaiians, female same-sex couples, couples where both partners are API and couples with children,” said Angeliki Kastanis, Public Policy Research Fellow at the Williams Institute.  “These groups tend to experience lower rates of health insurance coverage, lower academic achievement, higher rates of non-citizenship status, and higher rates of unemployment than other API couples.”

On average, same sex male API couples make $25,000 more annually than same sex female API couples.

You can read more details about LGBT Asian American and Pacific Islanders in Windy City Media.


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