HomeTop StoryAAJA Asks KXL to Take Additional Steps to Avoid Culturally Insensitive Mistakes...

AAJA Asks KXL to Take Additional Steps to Avoid Culturally Insensitive Mistakes in Future


AAJAThe Portland Chapter of the Asian American Journalists Association along with the group’s Media Watch is asking KXL radio to take additional measures to ensure that gaffes such as the stations “we love you long time” marketing campaign never happens again.

The billboard was placed in the heart of Oregon city’s Chinatown, and was replaced a few weeks later after outrage against the billboard went viral nationwide.

“But we’d like the station to go one step more and issue a formal apology to the public it’s supposed to serve,” wrote Peter Wong, Chapter President of Portland’s AAJA and Bobby Caina Calvan, national Media Watch Chairperson.  “We also request that KXL specify publicly what internal measures it intends to institute to avoid such racially insensitive and hurtful marketing efforts in the future.”

 “Me love you long time” was a line uttered by an Asian prostitute in the movie Full Metal Jacket and is a prime example of the sexploitation of Asian and Asian American women by Hollywood.





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