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Mirai Nagasu is paying the price for Figure Skating’s lagging TV ratings

Mirai NagasuA debate is raging between the US Figure Skating Association and blogger Jeff Yang over the exclusion of Mirai Nagasu from the US Women’s Olympic team despite her third place finish in Nationals.

First Yang pointed out in his regular column in the Wall Street Journal that Nagasu is the first American who placed high enough at Nationals to be named to the Olympic team, but was excluded for a reason other than injury.

Then the US Figure Skating Association responded with a full page rebuttal in the Journal asserting that its bylaws call for equal opportunity and that 25 percent of its membership is Asian American.

Now Yang has answered the rebuttal in Medium.com, accusing the USFSA of not addressing his original arguments and denying he is accusing the Association or either racism or discrimination.

Interestingly, US Figure Skating reached the height of popularity during another controversy,  the Tonya Harding-Nancy Kerrigan affair. For those who don’t remember, Harding’s ex-husband and two others are accused of whacking Kerrigan’s thigh just above her knees in an attempt to help Harding beat her rival.

This just happens to be the 20th anniversary of Harding-Kerrigan incident. Figure Skating has been badly in need of a booster shot to attract more attention as interest in the sport has waned.

The Nagasu-Wagner controversy may be just what the sport needed. Unfortunately, Nagasu may be the one who pays the price for figure skating’s higher television ratings.

Check out Yang’s rebuttal to the rebuttal in Medium.com and let AsAmNews know what you think.




  1. RE: Mirai Nagasu is paying the price for figure skating’s declining ratings: sad when this happens in any sport, especially when racism accusations are being made in the midst. My opinion is that there isn’t any racism in this whatsoever, and that the decision made was an all considered one


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