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Inside Bay Area: California voters unlikely to decide on affirmative action in higher education

BerkeleyA story in Inside Bay Area describes a push to allow  affirmative action in higher education in California as “on life support.”

Three Asian American who were among the Democratic majority  in the State Senate to pass the measure are now asking that the bill be tabled in the Assembly.

In a letter to Assembly Speaker John Perez, the three wrote “As lifelong advocates for the Asian American and other communities, we would never support a policy that we believed would negatively impact our children.”

Senator Paul Fong chairs the Asian and Pacific Islander Legislative Caucus. He would not say how the five members of the caucus will vote.

“I believe every student should have equal access and opportunity to a quality and affordable education,” said Fong.

The measure SCA5 , if passed, would put a constitutional amendment before state voters.

According to Inside Bay Area, if just two of the Caucus members vote against it, it would be defeated.

You can get a closer look at how the votes stack up and the arguments for and against SCA5 in the Asian American community in Inside Bay Area.






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