HomeBlogsA Deeper Story: Kathy Khang Foreign Forever and Tired of It

A Deeper Story: Kathy Khang Foreign Forever and Tired of It

Chicago Police Beating Kathy Khang has heard it too many times before.

The regional director of multiethnic ministries of a national Christian student organization has been told too many times in so many words that she is not American.

She happens to be Asian American, but apparently that doesn’t count as American to many people.

So when Kathy saw a video via AsAmNews of the suspected police abuse in Chicago of a 110 pound Chinese American salon manager, she had to speak out.

When she heard a Chicago police officer scream to a naturalized American citizen of Chinese descent that “You’re not a f**king American, she felt as if she was reliving a nightmare she has been forced to replay over and over.

In her blog for A Deeper Story, Khang doesn’t point the blame toward the sky to some random person. She points it directly toward a body representing a higher authority.

It’s a body that should be held to a higher standard and frankly doesn’t always live up to that standard.

Read Khang’s blog in A Deeper Story and share your thoughts below.



  1. RE: Kathy Khang Forever foreign and tired of it: The other officers need to be reprimanded for just standing there, watching. Clearly this kind of abuse is accepted as normal by many officers in Chicago PD.


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