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Silicon India: Obama nominee would be first Asian American District Judge in DC

Amit Mehta Two Asian Americans are poised to make a difference as judges on the court bench.

President Obama has nominated Amit Privardhan Mehta to the District Court in Washington, DC, reports Silicon India.

If confirmed by the Senate, Mehta would be the first Asian American to serve in that position.

In Georgia, Meng Lim became the first Cambodian American ever elected as a judge in Georgia. He won a seat on theMeng Lim Superior Court of Tallapoosa Circuit, according to Angry Asian Man.

“I want to thank my brother for being in my mind. I’m doing all this in his memory,” Lim is quoted as saying in the Northwest Georgia News. “It’s been a good part of this campaign in trying to remember him in all of this.”

Lim’s brother served in the US Navy.

Mehta’s nomination was lauded by the only Hindu to serve in Congress, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard.

“I congratulate Amit Mehta on his nomination to the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, a privilege only our best and brightest earn,” said Gabbard. “Amit has led a distinguished legal career and brings with him successful trial and litigation experience. His diverse perspective will be welcome on the court, and I urge the Senate to act quickly to confirm Amit.”


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