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#SaveSelfie– Fans Push to Keep Comedy on Air

SelfieDevoted Fans of Selfie aren’t ready to say goodbye.

The show starring John Cho and Karen Gillan got the official pink slip from ABC yesterday.

Already there’s a campaign afoot to get Netflix or perhaps a cable network to pick up the show. A Tumblir dedicated to actress Natala Romanova has taken on giving Selfie a second life as a cause. It’s urging fans to trend the hashtag #SaveSelfie and to retweet other people’s #SaveSelfie tweets.

There are already too many #SaveSelfie tweets to count, but they must number in the hundreds. There’s also a petition on change.org that already has 1,400 signatures.

Selfie couldn’t pick up traction leading off ABC’s Tuesday prime time line up. Freshman shows need a little help and its unfortunate the network couldn’t pair Selfie with a more established show to give it a boost.

No word on what will happen beyond this Tuesday when another episode is scheduled to air. ABC originally ordered 13 episodes of the program.
Whether they’ll see the light of day is not known.

Its possible ABC could pull Selfie from the schedule and air the remainder of the episodes during the summer.

It’s not impossible a fan protest could bring the show back, especially a show about social media. Think about it. What a story it would be if fans used social media to save a program based on social media.

There have been numerous examples of this happening.

Star Trek was originally cancelled by NBC after two season, but the Peacock Network brought the show back for another year after a strong letter writing campaign.

Family Guy was cancelled in 2002, but brought back by Fox due to strong DVD sales and good ratings in syndication.

NBC cancelled Friday Night Lights, but a Facebook, on-line petition and email campaign kept the show on the air for five season.

You can read numerous other examples of protests keeping a show on the air in How Stuff Works.



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