HomeAsian AmericansDaily Beast: How Much More Did Asian Americans Vote Repubican

Daily Beast: How Much More Did Asian Americans Vote Repubican

voteOne thing is certain. More Asian Americans voted Republican in 2014 than in 2012.

How much Asians swung Republican depends on who you believe.

According to the Daily Beast, the swing is not completely surprising since 40 percent of Asian Americans don’t identify with either party.

“This is where Republicans hope they have an opening,” said Michelle Diggles, a senior political analyst at Third Way. “If Democrats want Asian Americans to support them in future elections, they need to be cautious, because these voters haven’t cemented as Democratic loyalists.”

Exit polling used by the Washington Post and other major news outlet showed 50 percent of Asian Americans voted Republican versus 49 percent for Democrats.

That differs sharply from polls taken by Asian American Decisions and the Asian American Legal Defense & Education Fund.

The Asian American Decisions poll conducted in California, Texas & Virginia found that 66 percent of Asian American voters polled voted Democrat versus just 34 for Republicans. The AALDEF poll conducted in 11 states found that Asian American voters gave President Obama a 58 percent approval rate.

Taeku Lee who headed the Asian American Decisions poll points out that his poll taken in the days leading up to the election interviewed 1150 Asian American voters in a variety of languages. The polls used by major news outlets interviewed just 129 Asian Americans.

In Lee’s words, the national exit polls “badly misses what’s happening with smaller segments of the electorate like Asian Americans.”

You can read what this means for Republicans and Democrats and the Asian American vote in the Daily Beast.


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