HomeBad Ass AsiansNPR: Vietnamese Refugee turned US Army General

NPR: Vietnamese Refugee turned US Army General

USS HancockOn the 40th anniversary of the fall of Vietnam, former refugee-turned-General of the US Army, Viet Luong reflects back on his experience escaping the country.

Fleeing Vietnam with several members of his immediate family and the help of an American journalist, Luong, in his interview with NPR, recalled the warfare at the Tan Son Nhut Air Base, which was located just north of Saigon.

“It was close enough where I can hear people groaning from getting hit [with rockets and mortars],” Luong said.

After escaping to the USS Hancock, Luong made a decision that altered the course of his life forever.

“People might not believe that, but, I knew right back then that I want to serve our country,” Luong said.

Luong is now training troops in Afghanistan to fight against the Taliban. To learn more about Luong’s life story, visit NPR.




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