HomeBad Ass AsiansAAPI Heritage Month Factoid: Richard Aoki Rose in Ranks of the Black...

AAPI Heritage Month Factoid: Richard Aoki Rose in Ranks of the Black Panthers #‎myinspirasian‬ ‪#‎apahistory‬ ‪#‎apalegacy‬.

Richard AokiIn the late 60’s Richard Aoki, was a field marshal in the Black Panther Party, and along with Panther leaders Huey Newton and Bobby Seale, wrote the Panthers’ famous 10-point platform. He was a founding member of the Asian American Political Alliance—one of the country’s first Asian American political organizations–a leader in the Third World Liberation Front Strike at UC Berkeley and a coordinator for the first Asian American Studies program at that university. (Asian Pacific Forum)

In 2012, a book came out which claimed Aoki worked as an FBI informant.


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