HomeBad Ass AsiansAAPI Heritage Month Factoid: The Completion of the Transcontinental Railroad #‎myinspirasian‬ ‪#‎apahistory‬...

AAPI Heritage Month Factoid: The Completion of the Transcontinental Railroad #‎myinspirasian‬ ‪#‎apahistory‬ ‪#‎apalegacy‬

Chinese Americans at Golden SpikeThe Transcontinental Railroad was completed with both Chinese and Irish labor in 1869 (Photo by Corky Lee).

In recent decades, the Asian American community has reclaimed its role in building the railroad.

Chinese laborers were virtually ignored during the ceremony commemorating the driving of the Last Spike at Promontory Point, Utah.

Last year, photorgrapher Corky Lee organized 200 Chinese Americans to gather at Promontory Point to recreate the historic photo from that ceremony, only this time Chinese Americans were included.

Among those in the photo, descendants of Chinese laborers who worked on the railroad.


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