Statesman: Kung Fu Saloon Settles Charges It Discriminated against Blacks & Asians

Kung Fu Saloon

The owner of the Texas-based Kung Fu Saloon has agreed to make changes to settle a federal discrimination complaint it discriminated against Asians and Blacks, reports the Statesman.

The bar which has locations in Austin, Dallas and Houston is accused in a consent decree of routine discrimination against Blacks and Asians through an arbitrary dress code. The bar also allegedly told Asian and Black customers that the bar was full while letting White patrons enter.

Under the agreement, all employees must undergo civil rights training within 90 days and signs must be posted declaring the bar is open to all members of the public and listing a phone number to call if you feel you have been discriminated against.

Each location will be tested three times per year for compliance.

You can read the entire consent decree here.


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