There have been numerous studies saying Tiger parenting doesn’t work and reduces a child’s self esteem.
The latest in the journal PNAS (Proceedings from the National Academy of Sciences) concludes just the opposite.
Time reports that researchers Amy Hsin from Queens College at the City University of New York and Yu Xie of the University of Michigan find that the hard work ethic pushed by Tiger Moms is the biggest factor contributing to the educational gap between Asians and non-Asians. The hard work is reinforced by a strong social support network from their families and community.
Hsin & Xie’s study found even higher socio-economic status and greater intellect didn’t account for the difference. The authors said even newly arrived immigrants without those advantages did as well as whites from kindergarten through high school.
Reporter Alice Park talks about her own experience with tiger parenting and her thoughts on the new study in Time.
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