HomeBlogsWTF--What's with this A4 Asian Waist Size?

WTF–What’s with this A4 Asian Waist Size?

A4 Asian waist

By Louis Chan
AsAmNews National Correspondent

The pressure for Asian women to be thin has gone haywire.

The latest trend to hit social media is to compare your waist size to the thickness of a sheet of paper, specifically an A4 paper size which is about eight inches wide.

Girls are actually posting pictures of themselves on social media holding up a sheet of that paper next to their waists.

Hate to break it to you girls, but guys would find that extremely unattractive and even a bit anorexic. Not only is that dangerous, but it’s sure to turn off most men.

Apparently this trend started in East Asian countries and is spreading to the U.S.

Many on social media agree that the A4 waist is a turnoff.


Women too are fighting back, proudly declaring they don’t have an A4 waist and are glad they don’t



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