HomeBad Ass AsiansCNN: Korean American Kenneth Bae Speaks Out about 19 Months in North...

CNN: Korean American Kenneth Bae Speaks Out about 19 Months in North Korean Prison

Kenneth Bae at News Conference
Kenneth Bae displays a huge smile after his release in 2014

Korean American missionary Kenneth Bae who was held captive in North Korea for 19 months beginning in April 2013 gave his first live interview since his release to CNN this morning.
Bae was held longer than any American ever in North Korea.
“I’m thankful every day and grateful for so many people that were involved in trying to get me home,” he said. “It’s unreal just to see that I’m actually sitting in the studio talking to you … 735 days in North Korea was long enough. But I’m thankful.”

He thanked former NBA player Dennis Rodman for drawing attention to his plight, even though at the time Rodman was criticized for being critical of Bae. Throughout his ordeal, Bae kept his strong religious faith.

“Along the way, I found my way adjusting to life in the North Korean prison, just depending on God and I knew the U.S. government would do everything possible that (would) bring me home.”


  1. RE: Korean American Kenneth Aae speaks out about 19 months in North Korean prison: Stop going to North Korea people.


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