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Chasing Lovely – Two Hapa Girls Sing about Things We Don’t Talk About

Chasing Lovely
By Sophia Whittemore
AsAmNews Intern


Chasing Lovely consists of two powerful young, hapa women from the south who have hit the social media and pop culture scene.  They’re bloggers, musicians, and siblings who have released a new album, Things We Don’t Talk About.


Their song Kiss Me is posted above, and their blog article What Are You? is a fascinating read  about how they respond to questions about their identity. With a mom from Indonesia, I could relate to their issue with the inevitable dreaded questions about their ethnic ambiguity and the “what are you?” questions.


From Chasing Lovely, their blog:


When you’re mixed, it’s totally possible to look more White but feel more Asian, and vice versa. How you physically look isn’t necessarily how you identify, and how you physically identify is not always how you identify culturally. Being bi-racial is complex.

Hell, I still don’t really know how I fully identify. Maybe that’s just part of the joy of being mixed.”

I love these guys!  Here’s my interview with the  members of Chasing Lovely, Chloe and Taylor.


1. How has your identity shaped your music? Your family, friends, and loved ones? 
Our identity is constantly changing. When you’re in your early twenties, there is so much self-discovery happening. Who am I? What are my values? What are my beliefs? Music is our way of combing through that process of self-discovery. As we evolve, it changes what we write about.
2. Who are your biggest inspirations?
Musically, we’re influenced by whoever we’re listening to at the moment—ranging from K’NAAN to Noah Gundersen to Samm Henshaw to Sleeping At Last. Sometimes we’re inspired stylistically, but other times we’re inspired by their journey or story. We relate to other musicians because we share a passion for the craft and also share many of the same struggles.
We’re also inspired by people like Elizabeth Gilbert, Rob Bell, Emma Watson or Jeremy Cowart who not only live for themselves but use their talents and position for a greater good. It is very encouraging to see others who are trying to live honestly and authentically.

Chasing Lovely

3. Tell me about what your identity means to you. Be as silly or serious as you want. 
We’re mixed. We’re half Korean, half white. This has created a lot of internal conflict for us. We are constantly being assigned a “race” based on how each individual person perceives us. We are rarely given the opportunity to associate with both halves of ourselves. Depending on the situation, we’re either just “White” or just “Asian”. We rarely feel like we “fit in”. At the same time, our identity gives us a very enriching perspective. We’ve been given an opportunity to see from both sides of the coin, so to speak.
4. Biggest challenge?
Financial and emotional stability. Being a musician is extremely rewarding, but it is a rollercoaster ride of ups and downs. The highs can be very high and the lows can be very low.
5. Biggest accomplishment?
Building a business from the ground up and working for ourselves. We get to work towards something we’re creating, instead of spending eight hours a day making somebody else’s dream come true.
6. When did you know you wanted to become musicians?
Chloe: When I saw the Lizzie McGuire movie and she tore off her skirt during a performance and had awesome silver pants underneath. I said, “THAT’S WHAT I WANT TO DO.”
Taylor: When I was 17 and began writing songs and fell in love with it.
7. Funniest story from your careers?

Most days, if we’re not playing a show, we won’t wear makeup. Chloe also likes wearing what she terms “boy clothes” because she follows gals like @danielleacooper,  @thestreetsensei  and @radtasticly_cam on Instagram and likes the style of menswear on women. So this week, we had a few shows in Denver. When we travel, it is almost a guarantee that we aren’t wearing makeup. Chloe also happened to have her comfy “boy clothes” on and as we were checking our bags at the airport the woman at the kiosk says to her, “You can step right up here, sir.” Chloe didn’t say anything or correct her, but as we were going through security she’s like, “SIR?!! That lady thought I was a sir!!!” We were both dying with laughter.

8. Describe your music. What does music mean to you? How does it impact your overall viewpoint on life/ recent world events? 
Our music is very emotional. Whether we’re feeling determined or frustrated or helpless or romantic, it is always with a great deal of intensity. An artist’s job is to be an observer—to see things that most people look past. We direct our gaze inward or out at the world and try to make sense of it.
Taylor: Growing up, I was very uncomfortable with emotions. Crying in front of people made me feel weak, and I hated talking about my “feelings”. As I’ve matured, I’ve realized there is a great strength in allowing yourself to be vulnerable. Music was the first way I really felt comfortable opening up and expressing myself.
Chloe: Sometimes I listen to other people’s music and they point out feelings I didn’t realize I was going through until I heard their song. Music connects us and reminds us that we are not alone in our experiences.
With our new EP, Things We Don’t Talk About we came to this realization that there are a lot of conversations we’re not having and when certain subjects make us uncomfortable, we just avoid them. But in personal relationships and as a culture, we’re seeing the ramifications of this lack of communication. It’s never easy to have the tough discussions, but it is absolutely vital that we try. ​​
9. Do you have any advice for budding musicians/ multiracial kids/ other artists?
To budding musicians: Follow your curiosity. Make music you love and connect with others who share your passion. You have to enjoy the process of creating just as much as your successes. Don’t try to make a certain style of music just because you think it will be popular. Being yourself is infinitely more interesting than being a watered-down imitation of someone else. 🙂
To multiracial kids: Embrace and OWN all of your identities. Don’t be discouraged when others misidentify you. Know that you are not alone and you have a unique perspective to share with the world.
I can’t wait to see what Taylor and Chloe will accomplish in future years. Can you?
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  1. RE:Chasing Lovely: Two Hapa Girls Sing about Things We Don’t Talk About: Hey, not all Asian-Americans are able to lead the fight, but every bit helps. Example: Bruno Mars, often identified as Asian (Filipino) yet at the get go, his greatest support were Latino, and his musical image was African American because he passes the visuals. But where’s the Asian in him? Its OK, just succeed, don’t hold back. Those of us who are Asians and looking it have to lead the struggle in order to be relevant. (From Japanese-American Tribal Roots Music and Art, a progressive movement)


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