By Louis Chan
AsAmNews National Correspondent
A racist incident that ended when a customer came to the defense of an embattled nail salon worker is raising eyebrows.
The encounter was caught on video by that customer at a salon in Lutz, Florida. The video has gone viral and has generated at least 465,000 views and 3,100 shares.
“I really suggest you should learn English,” an angry customer screamed at an Asian nail salon worker.
“Of course,” the woman responded. “You know I have to learn every single day.”
“Don’t move to America if you don’t know English or are willing to learn,” the woman responded. “It’s part of moving to the United States…You sound nasty. Your language sounds nasty. It sounds like you were born out of a f*cking hermit crab. If I want to go to a nail salon, I need them to understand English where they can understand when I need a top coat.”
At that point a customer watching the whole incident intervenes. It’s possible, but not confirmed, the same woman was the one that video taped the argument.
“I have to say I think you’re being nasty,” that customer said to the other.
“You’re being nasty.”
“No, you.”
“I’ve been here for like…
“I don’t give a sh*t how long you’ve been here…you don’t call them hermit crabs. You’re being nasty. Get the F*ck out.
“Shut the f*ck up. You don’t tell me when to get out.”
At that point the camera drops to the ground. The picture is lost and only the audio can be heard.
“You’re not getting paid for today,” the angry woman is heard saying.
“No, problem,” “You can go,” the nail worker said.
Comments posted under the video have been largely sympathetic to the nail salon worker and complimentary toward the woman who stood up for her.
“I really hope that somebody in that Salon gave that woman a really good tip. She handle that lady very well and I hope somebody pays it forward to her.”
“I’ve been going to this salon for years and everyone in there is very sweet. AND, they all speak English! The worst part is there was clearly a little girl in the next station!!,” said another.
“It’s great to see good people stand up to bullies. More people should have stood up. Bullies come in all ages. Treat others how you would like to be treated. Do the right thing.”
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RE: Customer Stands Up for Nail Salong Worker Hit by Racist Tirade: I had something similar, not as vocal of coarse but some teenagers making fun of the Vietnamese girls that were working in the salon I was having a pedicure in. It was at a mall, so the front of their salon was completely open… They were making fun of their speaking, holding their hands together and bowing… I jumped up and down them! One of the kids recognized me, they new my daughter and said, oh s**t, that’s Mrs. F****w, K****y’s mom… After hearing all of that, I told all of them, they owed the ladies an apology, which they did…
RE: Customers Stands up for nail salon Worker hit by Racist Tirade: Good for you! More people need to stand up to this seeming plethora of open racist attacks. I for one also can’t hold my tongue. Recently in Istanbul some man went up to an old woman sitting on the ground selling little Kleenex packages and yelled and yelled at her in a demeaning way. I simply said ‘Be Nice!’ And he responded ‘i’m The police!’ And I responded ‘you can still be nice!’ It’s really awful this kind of disrespectful behavior is so bold.
RE: Customer Stands Up for Nail Salon Worker Hit by Racist Tirade: I hate hearing people put down someone else’s wife daughter sister just another human. This lady has the nerve to walk into a salon sits down and starts putting down another American woman while she’s not only doing her a service but in her buisness!!!! She is obviously slow! She’s perching about not knowing English when she knows very little herself! And she better have paid you don’t go to McDonald’s order a double cheeseburger eat 75% of it and then say I’m not paying you!?!?! you do that you go to jail it’s stealing!! This lady comes in and verbal assaults this hard working women!!???? It’s this simple when you walk into a salon like this woman did and you don’t like what you see, right off the bat do everyone a favor and walk your ass right back out there’s a nail salon at every damn corner!
RE: Customer Stands up for Nail Salon Worker hit by Racist Tirade: Bravo to the lady that spoke up.
RE: Customer Stands Up for Nail Salon Worker Hit by Racist tirade: Only heroes speak up against bullies or any kinds of oppression; and only cowards have every reason to remain silent. Bravo to you madam for chasing out that b#@%ch!!!
RE: Customer Stands Up for Nail Salon Worker Hit by Racist tirade: There was no excuse for the awful way that woman treated the nail salon worker!! The other lady absolutely did the right thing standing up for her and I’m proud of her for doing so!! But disappointed that no one else in the salon did the same. I would’ve done the same thing, that woman was a bully who has no respect for herself, much less anyone else!!!!
RE: Customer Stands Up for Nail Salon Worker Hit by Racist Tirade: I am so glad that someone intervened because everyone in the place should’ve stood up against this type of behavior displayed by this Ignorant individual!!! I would never standby and let someone get attacked, especially a person @ an establishment I frequent and me being present. I would not have given her anymore services ” Top Coat” and demanded she pay for what was already done and if not, the authorities would have been called. The woman who did defend this worker, I say Good For You!!! I would’ve taken her Down & held her there until the cops came!! BIGOT! The Nail Salon workers have a hard enough job as it is, but dealing with the Public, has got to be the HARDEST.
RE: Customer Stands Up for Nail Salon Worker Hit by Racist Tirade: I would love to see if that idiot cracker lady is smart enough to know more than just English . Nope. I doubt it because she is so ignorant and doesn’t know what America is founded on.
RE: Customer Stands Up for Nail Salon Worker Hit by Racist Tirade: People like this make me sick!!! I am a White woman who will NEVER forget that my IRISH great great grandfather came over on a ship to a country that WAS NOT HIS. Hoowever I will always be treated as an “American” no one questions where my family came from…. I hate how yes, WHITE PEOPLE, forget that WE ARE ALL IMMIGRANTS!!! Funny how now when others come here all of a sudden we have to learn English when NOT ONE person felt they need to learn the native language of America…. Who was here first? The White man from England?? Hmmmm the Indians!! So stop being racist and saying you need to learn English to come to America. Oh and BTW I want you to take the test SHE took 9 out of 10 your ass would FAIL
RE: Customer Stands up for Nail Salon Worker Hit by Racist Tirade: Thank you Katie. America only listens when the mainstream hears.