HomeBad Ass AsiansManager resigns,and employee fired over racist store receipt

Manager resigns,and employee fired over racist store receipt

via Facebook

“You can insult me personally, but don’t insult my people.”

That’s how Zhao Zhe reacted when he looked at his receipt and saw the racial slur “ching chong” used as a substitute for his name.

It happened to Zhao at Firehouse Subs in Columbia, South Carolina.

The order had been made through Doordash. The receipt listed the cashier as Pamela.

A woman identified on Facebook as Pamela Brown Hoover says she is the manager of the store and not the cashier responsible. She says she has received threats at the store and has decided to resign out of fears for her safety.

“The employee was immediate fired,” wrote Hoover on Facebook. She’s an 18 yr old African American who thought she was being silly and meant nothing by it BUT now understands how wrong it was.”

Zhao took his complaint to a store regional manager and said that Pamela was not the employee responsible.

“I have received the texts from a Firehouse manager,” wrote Zhao on his Facebook post. “He tells me Pamela is not the one who wrote this. If my Facebook post has affected his or her life, I apologize for it.

“I do not accept the manager’s personal apologize,” he continued. The employees have this racial discrimination is the manager’s dereliction of duty. I do not need any compensation,I need a official explanation and apology from firehouse.

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  1. RE: Manager resigns and employee fired over racist store receipt: PLEASE don’t forget here that someone is being kind of a ‘Princess’ about it now and won’t let it go. Someone who IS loving all the attention and media spotlight on him. The more he acts ‘hurt’, the more those monsters will keep hating and threatening others who NEVER did anything to him! But he just WON’T let it go! Zhao Zhe is planting the ‘Seeds-of-Hate’ and making it ‘Racist’ when it actually NEVER was to begin with! NO ONE else is doing so! Just him! Everyone has apologized MANY times, but he refuses like a hurt and spoiled little child and just wants to keep riding it like a prize bull. Totally pathetic…

  2. RE: Manager resigns and employee fired over racist store receipt: Is that you again Oliver? How cute. Did you really come on here to report the same dribble you posted on Facebook?


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