HomeCampusAsian Am student called slurs, attacked near campus
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Asian Am student called slurs, attacked near campus

From Flickr Creative Commons by Edith OSB

An Asian American student at Baylor University was allegedly physically assaulted near campus, the Baylor Lariat reports. According to the victim, the attack was precipitated by his confrontation of the passengers of a passing track, who shouted anti-Asian slurs at the victim.

At 2 a.m. on Sunday morning, the victim and his girlfriend were leaving a small gathering at a friend’s house when a truck drove by.

“I heard some people who were in the vehicle yelling racial slurs at me such as Ch-ng Ch-ng, mocking and making fun of Asian-descent languages,” the victim told the Baylor Lariat. “I decided to [stand] up for myself and yelled back at them: ‘What did you say?’”

He said the truck stopped and four people, three White and one Black college-aged males, approached him. During the following argument, one of the aggressors punched the victim in the face, knocking his glasses off his face and sending him to the floor.

“From the attack, I’m experiencing pains on my jaw, my teeth, and I have a headache. My eye has blood within it due to a ruptured vessel,” the victim said.

He said that though he and his friends were too disoriented to report the incident at the moment, they called the Waco Police Department the next day. After filing a Clery report, a campus security authority incident report, to the Baylor University Police, he was advised to classify the incident as a hate crime.

“Based on the information we have been provided, you can report the incident to law enforcement as a hate crime,” an email from the Clery Office to the victim reads.

Baylor University issued a statement condemning racism in response to the incident.

“Here at Baylor, we refer to our University as a Family — the Baylor Family,” the statement reads. “We are comprised of vibrant diversity and have the amazing opportunity and immense responsibility to model for ourselves and the world what it means to care deeply for one another as an expression of our Christian mission. Racism has no place in our Family.”

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