HomeAsian AmericansReport finds elderly aren't biggest targets of anti-Asian hate

Report finds elderly aren’t biggest targets of anti-Asian hate

Despite some high profile attacks on elderly Asian Americans, a new report from Stop AAPI Hate finds the biggest target of anti-Asian hate incidents are those between the ages of 26-35.

Just under 30% of reported victims of anti-Asian hate attacks came against people in that age range.

That compares to 7% above the age of 61 with just 1.2% of those older than 75.

The second most targeted group are those between 36-45 at 21.5% followed by 16.3% between 18-25.

Stop AAPI Hate graphic

The popular belief that those perpetrating anti-Asian hate are targeting the elderly may have to do with news coverage.

The fatal attack in San Francisco on 84-year old Vicha Ratanapkadee in January shocked a nation. Video of Ratanapkadee being shoved into the concrete sidewalk could be seen repeatedly on TV News and social media.

That was followed the next month by video of a man shoving a 91-year old Asian man hard into the ground in Oakland.

Both incidents justifiably generated much sympathy for the victims and anger towards the perpetrators. The respect Asian Americans grant their elders may also play a role in the perception seniors are being targeted.

While the percentage of seniors victimized is lower than the actual proportion in the AAPI community, the incidents should still be of concern, Russell Jeung, a co-author of the study, from the Asian American Studies Department at San Francisco State University said.

“The fact that the elderly under report, and the fact that we have such a high number, indicates that his age group is severely impacted by racism,” Jeung told AsAmNews.

31% of the 9,081 total attacks reported to Stop AAPI Hate occurred on sidewalks. 30% happened at a business.

Stop AAPI Hate Graphic

Women remain the biggest targets, 63.3%.

16.6% of the reported hate incident this year have involved some sort of violence. Disturbingly, that’s higher than the 10.8% of physical assaults which occurred in 2020.

The latest report covers only incidents through June 2021. The number of incidents in the first six months of this year, 4533, roughly equals the total number of reports from March 19, 2020 through December 31- 4,548.

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