HomeChinese AmericanManhattan Chinatown residents protest planned new homeless shelters

Manhattan Chinatown residents protest planned new homeless shelters

Dozens of protesters rallied before a virtual community board meeting to demonstrate against four new planned homeless shelters in New York Chinatown.

CBS New York reports there are already six such shelters in the community that already feels it is under threat from rising crime and anti-Asian hate.

“We change our life every day because we are scared and this, putting another shelter in our neighborhood when we have six, is an affront to our community,” New York State Supreme Court Justice Doris Ling-Cohan said to the crowd.

Demonstrators told NBC New York they fear the shelters would attract sex offenders and increase crime in the area.

The shelter discussed at the community board meeting Thursday would be a 94-bed drop-in facility that would be opened 24 hours a day.

“We live next to the proposed homeless shelter site, and I’m frankly terrified of the prospect of having a homeless shelter right there,” said Jennie Ma on NBC NY. “We have young kids, they’re going to have level one and level two sex offenders — that’s against minors.”

The group Open Hearts Initiative says it is trying to work with the community and blames the opposition on misinformation.

“These sites are designed to provide services to people who are already in the community, who might be sleeping on the street in shelters and themselves at risk of violence,” Corrine Low said.

Low pointed to the tragic shooting of several homeless people. including the murder of Cheun Kwok and three other men in 2019.

“It not only helps protect the homeless people who are themselves at risk, it also makes the whole community safer because it offers services to people who might need that,” she said to CBS New York.

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  1. Corrinne Low has no connection to Chinatown and has privileges as she is not targeted because, lucky for her, she as a mix, so does not look at all Asian so therefore is NOT a target AND she is a professor at Wharton and gets to live in Upper West Side!
    Does the Upper West Side have 6 shelters and 4 more planned, with 4 jails and the tallest jail in the world planned , as Chinatown has?
    Weird that her website only focuses on donations but offers no way to contact them. Speaks volumes.
    The UWS can take Charles King’s experimental shelter which would allow child molesters in with no supervision and put it next to Ms Low’s UES apartment and see how her children are “protected”.


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