HomeMulticultural-MultiracialBehind Olivia Rodrigo's Drivers License love triangle

Behind Olivia Rodrigo’s Drivers License love triangle

Girl Meets World alum Sabrina Carpenter is speaking out for the first time about her alleged love triangle and song feud with her Disney Channel alum Olivia Rodrigo and Joshua Bassett.

Her interview with Rolling Stone is reigniting speculation that the three have been engaged in a song tit for tat based on a love triangle involving the three young stars.

According to Seventeen, it all started when Bassett reportedly ended a relationship with Rodrigo in 2020 and then began dating Carpenter right after.

Fans have speculated that several songs written by Rodrigo, including her mega-hit, Driver’s License, have been based on that experience.

Lyrics like “And you’re probably with that blonde girl / who always made me doubt,” is a reference to the blonde Carpenter.

US reports that fans were quick to notice that Rodriguo changed the lyrics from the original teaser track during which she referenced a brunetter, rather than a blonde.

Carpenter would release a song Skin which some took to a stab at Rodrigo, however, Carpenter has long denied it.

“I’m fully aware that even if you try to break it down, really really break it down for people, they still might not understand,” she says.

“People can say whatever they want to say, but I was lucky to be able to verbalize an experience that some people have been through,” she adds. “Hopefully it has helped them get through their experience with a little bit more strength and understanding. If I can do that, then I don’t have regrets.”

Interestingly, this debate has raged even though Rodrigo and Bassett who co-starred together on The High School Musical: The Musical have never confirmed they dated.

For his part, Bassett has released a song of his own, adding fuel to the speculation.

“I wrote ‘Lie, Lie, Lie’ after I found out a friend had been lying about me behind my back for a long time,” he wrote via his Instagram Stories at the time, according to US. “It always sucks to hear that someone you thought you could trust would throw you under the bus when it benefits them.

“It happens to all of us, and I think all you can do is seek out people that build you up rather than tear you down.”

Bassett and Carpenter have also never confirmed that they dated. The rumors started after they were seen together at a Black Lives Matter protest. They also shared videos on TikTok wearing matching Halloween costumes in October 2020.

“I totally understand people’s curiosity with the specifics of who the song’s about and what it’s about, but to me, that’s really the least important part of the song,” Rodrigo told Billboard in January 2021 about who inspired her hit single. “It’s resonating with people because of how emotional it is, and I think everything else is not important.”

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