HomeCrimeDermatologist arrested for allegedly poisoning husband
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Dermatologist arrested for allegedly poisoning husband


Authorities arrested a California dermatologist after she allegedly tried to poison her husband with Drano.

The Irvine police arrested Dr. Yue Yu, 45, Thursday and booked her into the Orange County jail, NBC News reports. Her husband of ten years Dr. Jack Chen, a 53-year-old radiologist claimed Yu was putting drain cleaner into his drinks.

Yu and Chen married in 2012 and have two children ages 7 and 8.

According to ABC News, Chen slowly became suspicious after he felt sick for over a month and began to detect a “chemical” taste in his drinks. He placed cameras throughout the house and turned evidence over to the police. On August 5, he filed a domestic violence temporary restraining order against Yu.

NBC News reports that Yu has not been formally charged. Her attorney David Wohl says she “vehemently and unequivocally denies ever attempting to poison her husband or anyone else.”

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