A school board in Verona, Wisconsin, has passed a resolution committing to teaching Asian American and Pacific Islander history and culture in its schools.
According to Madison 365, Verona Area School District Board of Education voted unanimously to approve the resolution on Monday. The resolution affirms the district’s commitment to increasing the visibility of AAPIs in its curricula.
“Symbols matter. Symbols are really important,” Kabby Hong, an English teacher at Verona High School and Wisconsin’s 2021 Teacher of the Year told Madison 365 “The symbolism of a district with just four percent AAPI population, publicly affirming and saying that Asian American history, identity and culture are vital for all kids, I think is really affirming and incredibly important.”
In January, the Wisconsin Association of School Boards passed a non-binding resolution encouraging local school districts to include AAPI history in their curricula. According to Wisconsin Public Radio, some school districts already teach AAPI history but Verona is the first district to pass a formal resolution.
“This resolution is a way for Asian American students to feel heard,” Angela Miller, a junior at Verona High School and co-president of the Asian Student Alliance, told Madison 365. “It’s a way for us to be seen in our community, not only our school community, but our actual community.”
“It means so much to me that little kids now get to know about what Asian Americans have done for our country in our history, and that we’re not alone, and that we matter and that our voices and who we are and what we’ve done matters.”
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