HomeBad Ass AsiansEddie Puts the Moves on Nicole in Fresh Off the Boat....
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Eddie Puts the Moves on Nicole in Fresh Off the Boat. Live Tweet Tonight

Fresh Off the BoatCORRECTION: TONIGHT’S EPISODE IS A REPEAT OF THE PILOT. WE APOLOGIZE FOR THE ERROR. The episode described below is scheduled to air right now on March 24. Eddie (Hudson Yang) gets himself into trouble on Fresh Off the Boat, but manages to find a way to make the most of his opportunity.

In episode 9 airing at 8 Eastern/Pacific and 7 Central, Eddie gets sent by the school to detention, but a bad situation turns into more mischief when he spots his neighbor and crush Nicole (Luna Blaise). Coincidentally he had earlier asked dad Louis (Randall Park) for advice on how to win Nicole’s heart.
Mom Jessica (Constance Wu) delays taking her real estate license exam because she fears she can’t compete with the big top sellers in town.
Will Eddie have the confidence to put the moves on Nicole and will Jessica have the courage to tackle the top realtors? Find out tonight on Fresh Off The Boat and be sure to join in the live tweet using hashtag #FreshOffTheBoat.




  1. RE: Eddie Puts the Moves on Nicole in Fresh Off the Boat: How come the tv says tonight is a repest of the pilot??


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