HomeBad Ass AsiansThe 4th Annual New England Lion Dance Competition to Be Held June...

The 4th Annual New England Lion Dance Competition to Be Held June 27

Lion Dancer entertains crowdOn Saturday, June 27, up to 12 teams are expected to compete in the 4th Annual New England Lion Dance Competition in Worcester, MA for the $1,000 grand prize.

The competition is presented by Southeast Asian Coalition of Massachusetts and will be held at 28 Mulberry St in Worcester, MA.

“It was a spontaneous idea that my advisor and I came up with, said Co-Founder, Phat Nguyen about the competition. “We were a new team at the moment and we wished to learn more from more competitive and advanced teams. At the same time we recognized that lion dancing has the ability to bring people together as a community. More importantly we wanted to promote this art and the culture.”



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