Bill O’Reilly recently made “foot in the mouth” headlines when he wondered aloud why Asians supported President Obama in such huge numbers. “Asian people are not liberal by nature, they’re usually more industrious and hard-working, ” O’Reilly said on his show. Somehow the traits of hard working and industrious couldn’t possibly be applied to anyone but a Republican in O’Reilly’s mind. And apparently, O’Reilly has never met any lazy Asian Americans, let alone talk to an Asian American. What else would explain why he refers to an entire group of people in such broad strokes? A recent article in Politix proclaimed that the Republicans have “An Asian Problem.” As recently as 1992, Bill Clinton received barely 30 percent of the Asian American vote. But support for Republicans has been steadily eroding since then to a point where Obama received 72% of the Asian American vote, second only to African Americans. Gary South in Politix looks at the reason why.