These are nervous times for college applicants. Admission and rejection letters are starting to arrive and many must now sort through them and decide which University they will attend.
One Princeton applicant didn’t like the way he was being treated and not only called to assert his rights, he decided to publish an open letter about his experience on New American Media
Certainly if Princeton didn’t know who Stephen Fong was, they certainly do now.
Fong got invited to an interview with a Princeton alum. The idea is for Fong to get to know Princeton better and for the alum to report back to the University his or her impressions of Fong. The two agreed to meet at a coffee shop. Fong arrived on time, waited around for an hour, before deciding the alum would not show up.
Fong called the University complaining about what happened and asked for a copy of the rules governing admissions.
You can read the entire open letter on New American Media. What do you think? Did Fong handle this correctly. Will his open letter help or hurt his chances of getting into Princeton. Tell us about your experience with college admissions and let us know what you think.