HomeCampusCityTownInfo.com:: Asian Americans Challenge Model Minority Myth

CityTownInfo.com:: Asian Americans Challenge Model Minority Myth


City College of San FranciscoThe headlines usually focus on the high percentage of Asian Americans at elite colleges.

But the largest percentage of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders attend community colleges, reports CityTownInfo.com.

“It is a fact that there is a lack of research and understanding not only about AAPI students, but more importantly, there is literally no scholarly research on students attending AANAPISI (Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander-Serving Institution) campuses,” Neil Horikoshi, director and president of the Asian and Pacific Islander American Scholarship Fund, told Inside Higher Ed.
AANAPISI campuses were established in 2008 to address the needs of the underserved Asian American Pacific Islander communities. 153 campuses nationwide are eligible for the designation, yet only 21 are funded.
Some blame the model minority myth for a lack of attention to the  educational needs of this underserved population.
A new report from the Asian & Pacific Islander American Scholarship Fund is challenging that myth.
You can read more about this issue in  CityTownInfo.com.


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