With the release of the Lone Ranger this week, Johnny Depp becomes the latest actor to take on the role of a person of color. Buzz Feed put together a list of ten white actors in prominent parts as minorities.
As you might suspect, Asian American characters dominate the list, making up almost half the list.
Native Americans come in a close second.
African Americans and Hispanics are represented on this list, although in far fewer numbers.
Do you think this is due to the political power of African Americans in this country and perhaps a corresponding lack of power for Asian and Native Americans? Or is there just a lot fewer Asian American and Native American actors to take on these roles?
Check out the list on Buzz Feed and leave your comments below.
From @TheEdutainer via Twitter RE: Whitewashing of Hollywood: "The issue is opportunity."
From @votepositive via Twitter:" Money too."
RE: Whitewashing of Hollywood: "Yes, Hollywood doesn't think any Asian Am are marketable. Boy, did they make a mistake taking David Carridine over Bruce Lee"
From Tyrone Liu via Facebook: RE Whitewashing of Hollywood. "Don't forget that a lot of roles that were originally Asian/minority also get completely re-written to be a white character instead. It is not just CASTING. There are PLENTY of QUALIFIED and TALENTED Asian actors."
RE: Tyrone Liu's comments on Whitewashing of Hollywood: "An excellent point."
from @votepositive via Twitter: RE: Whitewashing of Hollywood: " Yes, we should also accept blame because buying such diversity-negligent content is rewarding bad behavior."
from Frances Mendonez via Facebook: Whitewashing of Hollywood: "It's a white thing."