Asian American Advancing Justice on Wednesday rejected proposals in the House on immigration reform which it says will cut off the path to citizenship for millions of undocumented immigrants.
The proposal would limit citizenship to just undocumented youth.
“Limiting the path to citizenship to undocumented youth perpetuates the failures of our current immigration system and will continue to tear apart families and communities, AAJC said in a statement published in Sampan. “Undocumented youth often reside in mixed-status families, where parents and siblings may be undocumented, have green cards or be citizens. Nearly 23 percent of individuals deported between July 2010 and September 2012 left behind at least one child who is a U.S. citizen.”
The group questioned the sincerity of GOP lawmakers who say they want some sort of immigration reform. AAJA points out Republicans did not support the Dream Act in 2010.
“Immigration reform must end the devastating separation of American families and communities. Undocumented youth have been at the forefront of calling for comprehensive immigration reform that includes a pathway to citizenship for all of the 11 million, and they will not leave their parents, siblings, neighbors and friends behind. Congress must heed their call and deliver on their promise of passing comprehensive immigration reform.”
You can read the entire statement in Sampan.