The Jeopardy game show on Tuesday went something like this, recaps Yahoo TV
Contestant Rich Hansen: Name that TV Role for $800 Alex.
Alex Trebek: Seinfeld’: Julia Louis-Dreyfus
Filipino American contestant Fidelito Cortes replied: Who is Elaine, except his “E” sounded more like and “H”
But Trebek refused to take that answer saying it was mispronounced.
Reaction from fans from Twitter was outraged about the ruling.
Fortunately the decision did not cost Cortes as he won going away with $25,000 and a two day total of $45,000.
You can hear Cortes’ answer for yourself on Yahoo TV.
Listen to it and let us know what you think? Did Trebek make the right decision ruling that Cortes’ answer was wrong because of his slight mispronunciation?