A Jewish American filmmaker and interfaith activist has been hired as executive director of the Council of Islamic American Relations in Philadelphia, reports Canadian Jewish News.
“Many Muslims face daily suspicion, not unlike other immigrant groups throughout history,” said Jacob Bender. “When one group of Americans is attacked, it lessens the quality of democracy for all of us.
“As part of a community that has historically faced persecution in Europe and the United States as well, I hope that I would bring a certain amount of sensitivity,” he told RNS.
Bender becomes the highest ranking non-Muslim in the Washington-based group.
In an open letter published on CAIR Philadelphia’s website, Bender wrote “I look forward to becoming acquainted with all of you as we confront the great challenges before us: helping and representing those confronting public discrimination; promoting respect and appreciation of Muslims and Islam in the American public; furthering greater understanding among America’s different communities of faith; advancing the cause of peace and justice for all the people of our country, in addition to defending CAIR against the unfounded and hate mongering attacks of the Islamophobic network.”