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Hyphen: An open letter to Mike Babchik for racist antics at NY Comic Con


Diana Pho An open letter published in Hyphen Magazine from Diana Pho blasts Mike Babchik and his crew for his offensive, attention getting sexist and racist stunt on the floor of New York Comic Con.

Pho does a good job explaining not only her anger, but the anger of women and minorities who have themselves been the target of similar ridicule.


You thought you were being clever by mistaking me for a geisha girl, like the many submissive, diminutive women you’ve seen on TV or on the Internet or in movies.

You thought that because I was small and female and Asian, it gave you the right to ridicule my existence

Well, this letter isn’t for your sake, Mr. Babchik, but for the sake of my childhood, where everyone only told me one story about being a Vietnamese woman, a woman like me. The nasal screech of “Me love you long time!” set to a rap beat.
This letter isn’t for your sake, Mr. Babchik, but for the sake of my mother and my aunts and my grandmothers and my cousins 
This letter isn’t for your sake, Mr. Babchik, but for the sake of so many women who look like me and suffer from actions that take away our humanity in your eyes. 
The letter from Pho is well written and truly heart felt. I strongly recommend you read the brief letter in its entirety in  Hyphen Magazine.



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