HomeBlogsMedium.com: Tweet about Pearl Harbor by Spaghetti O's triggers racist rants

Medium.com: Tweet about Pearl Harbor by Spaghetti O’s triggers racist rants

Spaghetti O's Pearl Harbor TweetThe Campbell Soup Company, makers of Spaghetti Os,  stepped into it when it urged its followers on Twitter to take a moment with them and remember Pearl Harbor, wrote columnist Jeff Yang in his post for Medium.com.

Nothing wrong with that except it sparked a number of tweets on Twitter saying things like “f*ck the Japs: and “I hate slant eyed Japs, yellows and zips.

The tweet by Spaghetti O’s has since been removed.

You can read about the backlash against Campbell Soup in Medium.com.

What do you think. Does Campbell Soup and Spaghetti O’s deserve blame for this?




  1. From @Steuwart via Twitter RE: Tweet about Pearl Harbor by Spaghetti O’s triggers racist rants: weird. Who follows @SpaghettiOs on twitter anyways? Rhetorical question.


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