HomeBad Ass AsiansMediaite: Five Asian American TV news broadcasters named to most sexy list

Mediaite: Five Asian American TV news broadcasters named to most sexy list


Richard Lui“Most sexy” lists are always a mixed blessing for journalists.

On the one hand, you want to be known for your journalistic work, and not your physical attributes. On the other hand, who wouldn’t be flattered to be included.

Mediaite came out with its list of top 50 most sexiest television news broadcasters and at least five Asian Americans made the  grade.

Perhaps the most significant is that at least two of those on the list are Asian American men, breaking the stereotype that AAPI men are effeminate and nerdy.

Included is MSNBC news anchor Richard Lui. Lui was described by Mediaite as “underrated,” having delivered both “hard-hitting and entertaining segments.”  It’s not uncommon to see the San Franciscan donate his time to many community causes including AAPI Vote and the Chinatown YMCA in San Francisco.

Also making the list is CNN medical correspondent, Sanjay Gupta.Sanjay Gupta

Gupta is also seen at times filing reports for CBS’ 60 Minutes and has been particularly busy this year reporting on medical marijuana and grilling Health & Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius on Obamacare.

Among the women making the top 50 are NBC’s Ann Curry, Bloomberg TV’s Betty Liu, and MSNBC’s Alex Wagner.

Wagner’s (pictured right) mother is an immigrant from Burmese and her father is of German & Irish descent. She is described by Mediaite as a “casual mix of beauty and brains.”Alex Wagner

Betty LiuBetty Liu (pictured left)anchors Bloomberg In the Loop every morning and was the youngest ever Taiwan Bureau Chief for Dow Jones Newswire.

Ann Curry received kudos for her interview with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani.Ann Curry

It’s possible there are other AAPI’s on the list, but I have been unable to confirm their ethnicity.

You can read the entire list on Mediaite.


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