It’s become part of the American vernacular, the Asian F.
Where did it come from and how accurate is it?
The Asian F is used when an Asian student fails to get an A in the class. Expectations are so high even a “B” is considered an Asian F.
I’ve received more than a few Asian F’s in my academic career. I attended a Catholic school in San Francisco Chinatown during grade school and the school was 99 percent Chinese. I can guarantee you not everyone got A’s in that school. Far from it.
According to Pacific Standard, the concept of the Asian F originated after 1965 when the profile of Asian immigrants dramatically changed. 61 percent of those immigrants between the ages of 25-64 have at least a bachelor degree.
Pacific Standard says “there is nothing obvious or natural about the link between race/ethnicity and achievement.”
What do you think. Do you agree?