HomeBlogsChina Daily: African Asian American tensions surface on Twitter

China Daily: African Asian American tensions surface on Twitter

African Americans & Asian AmericansOld wounds many Asian Americans believe resulted from the model minority stereotype have surfaced on Twitter, reports the  China Daily. (photo by Kheel Center, Cornell University)

The success of the hashtag #NotYourAsianSidekick has lead to the counter hashtag #AsianPrivilege.

“#AsianPrivilege means being overrepresented at universities then changing the narrative to make it like you [sic] oppressed,” tweeted NayNayCantStop.

#NotYourAsianSidekick creator Suey Park sought to change the tone of the discussion with her follow up hashtag #BlackPowerYellowPeril.

“Asian Americans and African Americans have often internalized the idea of limited resources, particularly among low-income and older generations,” she said. “Fighting for your seat at the table can be a survival tactic among minorities. The question now is, how can we create a space for both Asian Americans and black Americans to talk without shaming each other of being unknowledgeable about the other’s experiences? Everyone is most knowledgeable about their own experience, and a discussion in which African Americans raise questions about whether Asian privilege exists is important too.”

You can read more about the relationship between Asian Americans and African Americans throughout history in the China Daily.



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