The recent recreation of the historic photo commemorating the building of the Transcontinental Railroad attracted more than 200 Chinese Americans and other Asians (Photo by Corky Lee).
Among them, according to organizer Corky Lee, were 5 descendants of Chinese railroad workers.
A new project from Stanford University hopes to reconstruct the lives of these Chinese men with the help of their descendants, reports VOA.
“The records of specific individuals and their names and experiences are so sparse,” said Shelley Fisher Fishkin, co-director of the Chinese Railroad Workers in North America Project.
She hopes to get the help of people like Bill Yee.
“My great-great-grandfather came over during the gold rush days and he returned back to China as a wealthy man. My great-grandfather came over to work on the railroad. He came over to work with black gunpowder, black powder on the railroad and he died working on the railroad,” said Yee.
You can read more about the hopes of the Chinese Railroad Works in North America Project in VOA.