Beauty is no longer just about fair skinned blondes or brunettes.
She’s now Asian American, Pacific Islander, biracial American and other people of color, and as the Los Angeles Times reports, savvy businesses are catering to their needs.
“Because of the growing populations of women of color, who often control a large percentage of what the household spends, this is a demographic beauty companies have to pay attention to,” says Cheryl Pearson-McNeil, a senior vice president at Nielsen.
Nielsen reports Asian Americans spend more money on beauty products than average–especially on fragrance and skin care. Latinos spend above average on fragrance and hair care as do African American women.
As a result, more companies are catering to shades of make up these women can match with their skin.
“These consumers really want to know they get the same thing their white counterparts get — BB creams, foundations, nuanced undertones … they are looking for brands that speak directly to their needs and are their champion.” said celebrity makeup artist Sam Fine.
You can read more about this trend in the Los Angeles Times.
Then share your beauty secrets. What do you find particularly works for Asian Americans?
Then check out Michelle Phan’s beauty tips for graduation.
RE: New lines of ethnic make up redefine beauty: Make-up is generally very hard to find for anyone that has ethnic skin.