New York City Detective Wojciech Braszczok is scheduled to appear in court next Monday, September 29, exactly one year to the date he and his road rage bikers are accused of attacking Alexian Lien and his family out for a Sunday drive, reports the NY Daily News.
Sources tell the Daily News that attempts to reach a plea bargain in the case have failed and the case is likely to go to trial. The judge said in court Friday that a trial date is likely to be set at the next court hearing.
The attack left Lien brutally battered after he ran over biker Edwin Mieses, in an attempt to escape from being surrounded by them on the West Side Highway. The melee ensued after Lien’s vehicle had bumped a biker from behind that Lien says had suddenly slowed in front of him.
In March, Mieses publicly stated on the Today Show about Lien, “I don’t blame him.” Mieses is now paralyzed from the waist down.
Braszczok is seen smashing the window of Lien’s vehicle in a video. In November, a Manhattan grand jury indicted 11 of the bikers. He and other bikers, except for one were charged with the beating. If formally charged they could face up to 25 years in prison.
Last December, Lien formally filed a claim to sue New York City and NYPD cops Wojciech Braszczok and Matthew Rodriguez.