The Interview starring Jeff Rogen, James Franco, Randall Park and Diana Bang is now playing at independent theaters and streaming on You Tube, Hulu and other digital platforms.
A review on the Asian American site You Offend Me, You Offend My Family calls it a “lame attempt at political satire.”
The movie is apparently full of penis and fart jokes. The film which caused an international incident is described as being weighed down by “simpleton ideas, lazy writing and even lazier editing.”
One bright spot is that actor Randall Park who is about to debut in the ABC series Fresh Off the Boat (February 5 8:30& 9:30 before moving to Tuesdays at 8) is being seen in the most high profile big screen role of his career.
For a fresh take on his performance along with Rogen and Franco’s, check out the review in You Offend Me, You Offend My Family.