A fresh coat of paint and other physical improvements, while welcomed, are not enough for many students of color at Yale, reports the Yale News.
The Asian American Cultural Center has received new lighting, paint and flooring. Asbestos was removed and a handicap ramp has been added.
The improvement follow a meeting with students last spring.
Students returning for the fall continue to be disappointed that the promised increase in funding never materialized. They also say the remote location of the Center on the outskirts of campus make it difficult for students to access.
“We want to see the University recognize its students’ cultural lives not as baggage to be accommodated but rather as part and parcel of the growth and learning that takes place on this campus,” said Edward Dong ’17, co-head coordinator for the AACC.
You can read more about other concerns along with the concerns of the other minority students on campus about their cultural centers in the Yale News.