HomeBad Ass AsiansNew Asian American Dramedy Under Development

New Asian American Dramedy Under Development

Good Face
Good Face stars Alice Lee as Clara
A new original dramedy centered around a Korean American medical assistant who dreams of being a doctor is under development by New Form.
Good Face stars Alice Lee as Clara, a young woman in an Asian female White male relationship with Ashton as played by Cameron Fuller.
Tom Yi plays Clara’s boss, Dr. Park and Alexis Rhee co-stars in the role of Mrs. Park.
Dr. Park is a plastic surgeon whose clientele is largely made up of Asian Americans who want to change their eyes or noses because they’re not happy with their appearance.
Clara has done her best to keep her White boyfriend secret from her parents who would no doubt be horrified to learn their daughter is dating a White guy.
Some Asian Americans will be just as upset that yet another Asian women is depicted dating a white man, but this plot is real.
There’s no denying the imbalance in interracial dating among Asian women and the reaction of many traditional parents.
The story line presented in the pilot is real, as is the number of cosmetic procedures Asians undergo.
Good Face is directed by Lina Suh who’s credits include numerous shorts. Kathleen Grace who was behind the You Tube Red series Single by 30 starring Harry Shum Jr and Kina Grannis, is the executive producer.
You can see the pilot for Good Face below.
Correction: An earlier version of this story misidentified the production company. We apologize for the error.

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