HomeBlogsStereotypical Portrayals Live on Despite Death of Jerry Lewis

Stereotypical Portrayals Live on Despite Death of Jerry Lewis

Jerry Lewis
Jerry Lewis was half the comedy team of Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis

Jerry Lewis is recognized as one of the classic comedians of our time.
With his passing this Sunday, you’ll likely see numerous tributes to the 91-year-old actor.
Unfortunately, Lewis comes from a time when it was considered funny to portray Asians with buckteeth and speaking in gibberish-all with the intention of getting a cheap laugh.
Check out this clip from You Tube about 3:30 minutes from the beginning.

As late as 1981 in Lewis’ comeback film Hardly Working, the funny man thought it would still be funny to wear yellowface and resurrect his tired routine.
Lewis is loved by many for the billions of dollars he raised for Muscular Dystrophy through the annual MDA telethon. He was also roundly criticized for portraying children with muscular dystrophy as pity cases.
While his films will live on, his legacy to a new generation may be fading. My 21-year-old daughter had never heard of him. That may be a good thing.
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  1. RE: Stereotypical portrayals live on despite death of Jerry Lewis: I guess we better start tearing down all the statues of Jerry Lewis too. Lol. This is a really strange time in America. I thought we got past all this. Now we’re becoming just as bad as some in the black communities. I know there is history. Teach your kids. Now let’s move forward. There comes a point where we are just fueling the fire with 50 year old stories.

    • RE Bill Wong’s coment on Stereotypical Portrayals Live on Despite Death of Jerry Lewis: 50 years? The last time Jerry Lewis appeared in yellowface was 1989. If you had read beyond the headline, you might have learned that. Also the story remains alive as long as Jerry Lewis movies are seen on cable and digital media.

  2. RE: Sterotypical Portrayals live on Despite Death of Jerry Lewis: No. I’m sorry Randall. You missed my whole point. Review the last sentence in your comment. . The story remains “alive” as long as you people want it to. Us Asians need to read about this in a history book from time to time. Teach our kids. . Not have a pissy fit every time someone dies that had a comedy act 28 years ago.

  3. RE: Bill Wong’s comment on Stereotypical Portrayals live on Despite Death of Jerry Lewis: Well, we agree on one point. You said “I know there is history. Teach your kids.”


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