HomeAsian AmericansMassive immigration raids expected to begin Sunday

Massive immigration raids expected to begin Sunday

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Thousands of undocumented immigrants are on edge this morning as numerous reports indicate the massive raids threatened by the Trump administration will begin this Sunday.

The New York Times first reported this Wednesday and several news outlets have confirmed the report.

The raids are expected to occur over several days in 10 cities. Any families rounded up will reportedly be detained together at detention centers in Texas and Pennsylvania. Others will be held temporarily in hotels until travel documents can be prepared, according to The Times.

“They’re absolutely going to happen,” said US Citizenship and Immigration Services director Ken Cuccinelli, according to CNN. There’s approximately a million people in this country with removal orders. And of course that isn’t what ICE will go after in this, but that’s the pool of people who have been all the way through the due process chain,”

The ten cities targeted are San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York, Houston, Denver, Miami, New Orleans , Baltimore, Chicago and Atlanta.

The raids were originally announced a month ago, but Trump delayed them after opposition from ICE, which was caught off guard by the president’s tweet.

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