HomeAsian AmericansWall Street Journal criticized for 'Too Many Asians' headline

Wall Street Journal criticized for ‘Too Many Asians’ headline


The Wall Street Journal is facing criticism for an OP-Ed published Monday evening with the headline “Are there ‘Too Many Asians.'” Many Asian American activists feel that it was inappropriate to write a provocative headline after several Asian Americans were killed during a mass shooting.

The OP-ed discusses population control in China discussing the perspective of those who were for it and against it as well as looking at the impact of China’s policies.

Asian Americans on social media primarily took issue with the headline WSJ initially used rather than the content of the OP-Ed itself. Even though the OP-Ed does not argue there are too many Asians, the headline comes just as the Asian American community is mourning the loss of 11 people in the Monterey Park shooting. It is also written against the backdrop of rising Anti-Asian violence and racism in the United States.

Phil Yu, an activist, called the timing of the headline “weirdly inappropriate.”

Raymond Chan, president of the Asian American Christian Collaborative, wrote on Twitter that the OP-Ed does demonstrate how the Asian American community must always wonder how welcome they are.

WSJ has created a new headline for the OP-Ed but has not acknowledged the backlash towards the first headline.

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  1. Perhaps the WSJ could’ve written the headline as “Too few Caucasians in the world as a percentage of the population.” Or “ We need more Caucasians to get back to 19th-century imperial days. “

    The headline of WSJ wrote just shows how this conservative Republican newspaper is clueless.

  2. Unreal how blind these marketing/producers/casting agents think the white public is?
    Asians make up 5+% of America’s population,yet they are on EVERY show now, and nearly every commercial. That’s the facts ,unskewed by leftist metric. To boot,they are always knocking,berating acting like a superior to whites. This fakeHollywood role reversal that now casts every black,Asian and lgbtq to talk down to whites like trash. I don’t know what hateful trend that Hollywood seems to be peddling these days,but it’s dangerous and is false. The phoney pairing of blacks and asians on TV, just to pit them against whites is extremely toxic. Funny how these to nationalities want people’s respect, but don’t seem like they have to exercise it themselves .
    Someone needs to explain what double standards and hypocrisy are?
    Remember, it’s easier for whites to boycott ,black ,Asian ,lgbtq, business and entertainment,,that goes for locally and online. 🙂 Asian cuisine is down I’ll bet. 🙂
    That’s just the beginning folks.
    Keep that in mind when you feel the need to disrespect whites, DONT !
    Whites are 70%.. Also remember that history always repeats itself:) ,and 1950 is making a comeback!!!!!!!
    Whites will very much tire from the blm-asians and lgbtq and the political/Internet pandering for faux votes.
    You’ll see.
    The media,web,the WOKE house are reinventing racism, for their own agenda. Some ppl are just too dumb to realize it.
    Carry on

    • First, Alpha White man, you do know that the concept of the alpha male is a myth? It is not based on factual information about the wolf pack and humans are not wolves any more than they are lions.

      Here’s an excerpt from an article in Scientific American (https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/is-the-alpha-wolf-idea-a-myth/):
      “Mech, like many wildlife biologists, once used terms such as alpha and beta to describe the pecking order in wolf packs. But now they are decades out of date, he says.”

      Second, while people who are White alone make up 75% of the US population, that statistic includes Middle Eastern North African people (e.g. Persians, Arabs, etc.) as well as those who are Latino/Hispanic. MENA and Latino/Hispanic people often face different kinds of prejudice because they aren’t necessarily perceived as White. Moreover, people who are considered White by the US Census Bureau, but are not Hispanic or Latino come to 59%.

      TV series usually target a specific geographical location and that can change the demographics. Theoretically, TV series based in Hawaii should have a predominately Asian American Pacific Islander cast, including the lead actors. Likewise, series based in San Francisco, should be only 38% White (not Latino/Hispanic) and include a cast that is 37% Asian alone with 6% Black/African American and 16% Latino/Hispanic. If the TV show is based in Los Angeles, then that should be 28 percent White alone, 48% Latino/Hispanic, 12% Asian alone, and 9% Black/African American although some areas in Los Angeles County might be majority Asian such as Monterey Park (65% Asian alone, 27% Latino/Hispanic). On the other hand, the demographics of Atlanta are 39% White and 48% Black/African American.

      So your usage of demographics is problematic. And if this is the basis for your argument and life view or world view, you might need to review your data.


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